
trait ArrDbl5[A <: Dbl5Elem] extends ArrDblN[A], SeqLikeDbl5[A]

A specialised immutable, flat Array[Double] based collection of a type of Dbl5Elems.


trait SeqLikeDbl5[A]
trait ArrDblN[A]
trait ArrValueN[A]
trait ArrNoParam[A]
trait Arr[A]
trait Sequ[A]
trait SeqLikeDblN[A]
trait SpecialT
trait SeqLikeValueN[A]
trait SeqLike[A]
class Any
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Members list

Type members

Inherited types

type ThisT <: ArrDblN[A]

Gives the final type of this class.

Gives the final type of this class.


Inherited from:

Value members

Abstract methods

def newElem(d1: Double, d2: Double, d3: Double, d4: Double, d5: Double): A

Concrete methods

final inline override def +%(operand: A): ThisT

append. appends element to this Arr.

append. appends element to this Arr.


Definition Classes
def foreachArr(f: DblArr => Unit): Unit

Not sure about this method.

Not sure about this method.


def head1: Double
def head2: Double
def head3: Double
def head4: Double
def head5: Double
final override def length: Int

The number of product elements in this collection. For example in a [[PolygonImp], this is the number of Pt2s in the Polygon

The number of product elements in this collection. For example in a [[PolygonImp], this is the number of Pt2s in the Polygon


Definition Classes

Inherited methods

final override def ++(operand: ThisT): ThisT

append. Appends an Arr of the same final type of this Arr.

append. Appends an Arr of the same final type of this Arr.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def apply(index: Int): A

Accesses the defining sequence element by a 0 based index.

Accesses the defining sequence element by a 0 based index.


Inherited from:
final def arrayLen: Int

The total number of atomic values, Ints, Doubles, Longs etc in the backing Array.

The total number of atomic values, Ints, Doubles, Longs etc in the backing Array.


Inherited from:


Inherited from:
def bestOfGet(init: A)(f1: A => Boolean)(f2: (A, A) => Boolean): A


Inherited from:
def collect[B, BB <: Arr[B]](pf: PartialFunction[A, B])(implicit ev: BuilderArrMap[B, BB]): BB

Collects values of B by applying partial function to only those elements of A, for which the PartialFunction is defined.

Collects values of B by applying partial function to only those elements of A, for which the PartialFunction is defined.


Inherited from:
def contains[A1 >: A](elem: A1): Boolean

Returns true if this sequence contains a value equal to the parameter value. The passed vvalue for equivlence testing an be a super type of the collection type.

Returns true if this sequence contains a value equal to the parameter value. The passed vvalue for equivlence testing an be a super type of the collection type.


Inherited from:
def cycleGet(index: Int): A

Applies an index to this ArrayLike collection which cycles back to element 0, when it reaches the end of the collection. Accepts even negative integers as an index value without throwing an exception.

Applies an index to this ArrayLike collection which cycles back to element 0, when it reaches the end of the collection. Accepts even negative integers as an index value without throwing an exception.


Inherited from:
final override def drop(n: Int): ThisT


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
final override def dropRight(n: Int): ThisT


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def elemEq(a1: A, a2: A): Boolean

Checks if 2 values of the specifying sequence are equal.

Checks if 2 values of the specifying sequence are equal.


Inherited from:

The number of atomic values, Ints, Doubles, Longs etc that specify / construct an element of this immutable flat Array based collection class.

The number of atomic values, Ints, Doubles, Longs etc that specify / construct an element of this immutable flat Array based collection class.


Inherited from:
override def elemsStr: String

The element String allows the composition of toString for the whole collection. The syntax of the output will be reworked.

The element String allows the composition of toString for the whole collection. The syntax of the output will be reworked.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def empty: Boolean

Is this sequence empty?

Is this sequence empty?


Inherited from:
def exists(f: A => Boolean): Boolean

Tests if the condition exists for any element of this sequence.

Tests if the condition exists for any element of this sequence.


Inherited from:
def existsCount(f: A => Boolean): Int

Counts the number of elements that fulfil the condition A => Boolean

Counts the number of elements that fulfil the condition A => Boolean


Inherited from:
def fElemStr: (A) => String


Inherited from:
def fMax[B](defaultValue: B)(f: A => B)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): B

Gives the maximum value of type B, produced by applying the function from A to B on each element of this collection, or the default value if the collection is empty.

Gives the maximum value of type B, produced by applying the function from A to B on each element of this collection, or the default value if the collection is empty.


Inherited from:
def fMin[B](defaultValue: B)(f: A => B)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): B

Gives the minimum value of type B, produced by applying the function from A to B on each element of this collection, or the default value if the collection is empty.

Gives the minimum value of type B, produced by applying the function from A to B on each element of this collection, or the default value if the collection is empty.


Inherited from:
final def filter(f: A => Boolean): ThisT


Inherited from:
def filter[ArrA <: Arr[A]](f: A => Boolean)(implicit ev: BuilderArrMap[A, ArrA]): ArrA


Inherited from:
def filterNot[ArrA <: Arr[A]](f: A => Boolean)(implicit ev: BuilderArrMap[A, ArrA]): ArrA


Inherited from:
def filterToList(f: A => Boolean): List[A]


Inherited from:
def find(f: A => Boolean): Option[A]

Tries to find te first element of this sequence conforming to the predicate.

Tries to find te first element of this sequence conforming to the predicate.


Inherited from:
def findGood[B](f: A => EMon[B]): EMon[B]

Takes a function that returns an EMon and returns the first Good.

Takes a function that returns an EMon and returns the first Good.


Inherited from:
def findIndex(value: A): OptInt

Find the index of the the first value of this sequence.

Find the index of the the first value of this sequence.


Inherited from:
def flatMap[ArrB <: Arr[_]](f: A => ArrB)(implicit ev: BuilderArrFlat[ArrB]): ArrB

Specialised flatMap to a Arr.

Specialised flatMap to a Arr.


Inherited from:
def flatToIterableMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](f: A => Iterable[B])(implicit ev: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB

Maps over a function from A to any Iterable and flattens the result into an RArr[A].

Maps over a function from A to any Iterable and flattens the result into an RArr[A].


Inherited from:
def foldHeadTail[B](initVal: B)(f: A => B, fAcc: (B, B) => B): B


Inherited from:
def foldLeft[B](f: (B, A) => B)(implicit ev: DefaultValue[B]): B


Inherited from:
def foldLeft[B](initial: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B

Folds over this sequence starting with the initial value

Folds over this sequence starting with the initial value


Inherited from:
def foldStr(f: A => String, seperator: String): String

Folds left to a String accumulator with an initial value of the empty string. The first parameter is a function from A tp String. The second parameter is a separator String the 2nd and subsequent A => String values.

Folds left to a String accumulator with an initial value of the empty string. The first parameter is a function from A tp String. The second parameter is a separator String the 2nd and subsequent A => String values.


Inherited from:
def foldWithPrevious[B](initPrevious: A, initAcc: B)(f: (B, A, A) => B): B


Inherited from:
def forAll(p: A => Boolean): Boolean

Returns true if the predicate holds true for all values of this sequence, else retruns false.

Returns true if the predicate holds true for all values of this sequence, else retruns false.


Inherited from:
def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit

Performs a side effecting function on each element of this sequence in order. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users.

Performs a side effecting function on each element of this sequence in order. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users.


Inherited from:
def fromArray(array: Array[Double]): ThisT


Inherited from:
def head: A

The first element of this sequence.

The first element of this sequence.


Inherited from:
def headFind: Option[A]

Returns the Some of the first element unless the sequence is empty in which case it returns None.

Returns the Some of the first element unless the sequence is empty in which case it returns None.


Inherited from:
def headFold[B](noHead: => B)(ifHead: A => B): B

Folds over the non existence / existence of a head element. The first parameter is a value for an empty sequence, the second parameter passed as a separate parameter list is a function on the head element.

Folds over the non existence / existence of a head element. The first parameter is a value for an empty sequence, the second parameter passed as a separate parameter list is a function on the head element.


Inherited from:
def headFoldToString[B](noHead: => String): String

Folds over the non existence / existence of a head element. If the sequence is nonEmpty applies toString to head element else returns the noHead parameter string.

Folds over the non existence / existence of a head element. If the sequence is nonEmpty applies toString to head element else returns the noHead parameter string.


Inherited from:
def headOrNone: Any


Inherited from:
def iFlatMap[ArrB <: Arr[_]](iInit: Int)(f: (Int, A) => ArrB)(implicit build: BuilderArrFlat[ArrB]): ArrB

Index with element flatMap. Applies the parameter function to the index and each respective element of this sequence. The function returns a Arr of elements of type B and the method as a whole flattens and then returns the specialised Arr of type B. The method has 2 versions / name overloads. The default start for the index is 0 if just the function parameter is passed. The second version name overload takes an Int for the first parameter list, to set the start value of the index. Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature. Ideally this method should be overridden in sub classes.

Index with element flatMap. Applies the parameter function to the index and each respective element of this sequence. The function returns a Arr of elements of type B and the method as a whole flattens and then returns the specialised Arr of type B. The method has 2 versions / name overloads. The default start for the index is 0 if just the function parameter is passed. The second version name overload takes an Int for the first parameter list, to set the start value of the index. Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature. Ideally this method should be overridden in sub classes.


Inherited from:
def iFlatMap[ArrB <: Arr[_]](f: (Int, A) => ArrB)(implicit build: BuilderArrFlat[ArrB]): ArrB

Index with element flatMap. Applies the parameter function to the index and each respective element of this sequence. The function returns a Arr of elements of type B and the method as a whole flattens and then returns the specialised Arr of type B. The method has 2 versions / name overloads. The default start for the index is 0 if just the function parameter is passed. The second version name overload takes an Int for the first parameter list, to set the start value of the index. Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature. Ideally this method should be overridden in sub classes.

Index with element flatMap. Applies the parameter function to the index and each respective element of this sequence. The function returns a Arr of elements of type B and the method as a whole flattens and then returns the specialised Arr of type B. The method has 2 versions / name overloads. The default start for the index is 0 if just the function parameter is passed. The second version name overload takes an Int for the first parameter list, to set the start value of the index. Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature. Ideally this method should be overridden in sub classes.


Inherited from:
def iForAll(p: (Int, A) => Boolean): Boolean

Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature.

Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature.


Inherited from:
def iForeach[U](startIndex: Int)(f: (Int, A) => U): Unit

Index with foreach. Performs a side effecting function on the index and each element of this sequence. It takes a function as a parameter. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users. The method has 2 versions / name overloads. The default start for the index is 0 if just the function parameter is passed. The second version name overload takes an Int for the first parameter list, to set the start value of the index. Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature.

Index with foreach. Performs a side effecting function on the index and each element of this sequence. It takes a function as a parameter. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users. The method has 2 versions / name overloads. The default start for the index is 0 if just the function parameter is passed. The second version name overload takes an Int for the first parameter list, to set the start value of the index. Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature.


Inherited from:
def iForeach[U](f: (Int, A) => U): Unit

Index with foreach. Performs a side effecting function on the index and each element of this sequence. It takes a function as a parameter. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users. The method has 2 versions / name overloads. The default start for the index is 0 if just the function parameter is passed. The second version name overload takes an Int for the first parameter list, to set the start value of the index. Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature.

Index with foreach. Performs a side effecting function on the index and each element of this sequence. It takes a function as a parameter. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users. The method has 2 versions / name overloads. The default start for the index is 0 if just the function parameter is passed. The second version name overload takes an Int for the first parameter list, to set the start value of the index. Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature.


Inherited from:
def iMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](startindex: Int)(f: (Int, A) => B)(implicit ev: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB

Index with element map. Applies the parameter function to the index and each respective element of this sequence. The function returns an element of type B and the method as a whole returns the specialised Arr of type B. The method has 2 versions / name overloads. The default start for the index is 0 if just the function parameter is passed. The second version name overload takes an Int for the first parameter list, to set the start value of the index. Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature. Ideally this method should be overridden in sub classes.

Index with element map. Applies the parameter function to the index and each respective element of this sequence. The function returns an element of type B and the method as a whole returns the specialised Arr of type B. The method has 2 versions / name overloads. The default start for the index is 0 if just the function parameter is passed. The second version name overload takes an Int for the first parameter list, to set the start value of the index. Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature. Ideally this method should be overridden in sub classes.


Inherited from:
def iMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](f: (Int, A) => B)(implicit ev: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB

Index with element map. Applies the parameter function to the index and each respective element of this sequence. The function returns an element of type B and the method as a whole returns the specialised Arr of type B. The method has 2 versions / name overloads. The default start for the index is 0 if just the function parameter is passed. The second version name overload takes an Int for the first parameter list, to set the start value of the index. Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature. This method should be overridden in sub classes.

Index with element map. Applies the parameter function to the index and each respective element of this sequence. The function returns an element of type B and the method as a whole returns the specialised Arr of type B. The method has 2 versions / name overloads. The default start for the index is 0 if just the function parameter is passed. The second version name overload takes an Int for the first parameter list, to set the start value of the index. Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature. This method should be overridden in sub classes.


Inherited from:
def ifHead[U](f: A => U): Unit

if this Sequ is nonEmpty performs the side effecting function on the head. If empty procedure is applied.

if this Sequ is nonEmpty performs the side effecting function on the head. If empty procedure is applied.


Inherited from:
def indexCycle(index: Int): A

like the apply method accesses the defining sequence element by a 0 based index, but cycles around for indexes less that 0 and equal or greater than index length.

like the apply method accesses the defining sequence element by a 0 based index, but cycles around for indexes less that 0 and equal or greater than index length.


Inherited from:
def indexMapTo[B, BB <: SeqLike[B]](iFrom: Int, iTo: Int, iStep: Int)(f: A => B)(implicit build: BuilderSeqLikeMap[B, BB]): BB

A map operation on the range of indexed values, where the return type of the SeqLike is explicitly given by the the first parameter.

A map operation on the range of indexed values, where the return type of the SeqLike is explicitly given by the the first parameter.


Inherited from:
def indexOf(elem: A): Int


Inherited from:
def indexToForeach[U](iFrom: Int, iTo: Int, iStep: Int)(f: A => U): Unit

Performs a side effecting function on each element of the range of index values for this sequence in order. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users.

Performs a side effecting function on each element of the range of index values for this sequence in order. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users.


Inherited from:
def indexWhere(f: A => Boolean): Int

Return the index of the first element where predicate is true, or -1 if predicate not true forall.

Return the index of the first element where predicate is true, or -1 if predicate not true forall.


Inherited from:
final def init: ThisT


Inherited from:
def initForeach[U](f: A => U): Unit

Performs a side effecting function on each element of this sequence excluding the last. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users.

Performs a side effecting function on each element of this sequence excluding the last. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users.


Inherited from:
def last: A

The last element of this sequence.

The last element of this sequence.


Inherited from:
def lastFind: Option[A]

Returns the Some of the last element unless the sequence is empty in which case it returns None.

Returns the Some of the last element unless the sequence is empty in which case it returns None.


Inherited from:
def lastFold[B](noLast: => B)(ifLast: A => B): B

Folds over the non existence / existence of a last element. The first parameter is a value for an empty sequence, the second parameter passed as a separate parameter list is a function on the last element.

Folds over the non existence / existence of a last element. The first parameter is a value for an empty sequence, the second parameter passed as a separate parameter list is a function on the last element.


Inherited from:
def lenStr: String

Just a handy short cut to give the length of this collection as a string.

Just a handy short cut to give the length of this collection as a string.


Inherited from:
def map[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](f: A => B)(implicit build: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB

Specialised map to an immutable Arr of B. Applies the supplied function to every element of this sequence.

Specialised map to an immutable Arr of B. Applies the supplied function to every element of this sequence.


Inherited from:
def map2To1[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](f: (A, A) => B)(implicit ev: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB

map 2 elements of A to 1 element of B. Ignores the last element on a collection of odd numbered length.

map 2 elements of A to 1 element of B. Ignores the last element on a collection of odd numbered length.


Inherited from:
def mapArray[B](f: A => B)(implicit ct: ClassTag[B]): Array[B]

Maps to an Array.

Maps to an Array.


Inherited from:
def mapCollectGoods[B, BB <: Arr[B]](f: A => EMon[B])(implicit ev: BuilderArrMap[B, BB]): BB

maps from A to EMon[B], collects the good values.

maps from A to EMon[B], collects the good values.


Inherited from:
def mapEMon[B, BB](ev: BuilderCollMap[B, BB])(f: A => EMon[B]): EMon[BB]

Map from A => EMon[B]. There is a name overload that implicitly takes a narrower BuilderArrMap as the second parameter list.

Map from A => EMon[B]. There is a name overload that implicitly takes a narrower BuilderArrMap as the second parameter list.


Inherited from:
def mapEMon[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](f: A => EMon[B])(implicit ev: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): EMon[ArrB]

Map from A => EMon[B]. implicitly takes a BuilderArrMap. There is a name overload that explicitly takes a more flexible BuilderCollMap as the first parameter list.

Map from A => EMon[B]. implicitly takes a BuilderArrMap. There is a name overload that explicitly takes a more flexible BuilderCollMap as the first parameter list.


Inherited from:
def mapEMonList[B](f: A => EMon[B]): EMon[List[B]]

Map from A => B, retuening an EMon of List.

Map from A => B, retuening an EMon of List.


Inherited from:
def mapList[B <: AnyRef](f: A => B): List[B]

maps ValueProduct collection to List

maps ValueProduct collection to List


Inherited from:
def mapPair[B1, ArrB1 <: Arr[B1], B2, B <: PairFinalA1Elem[B1, B2], ArrB <: PairArrFinalA1[B1, ArrB1, B2, B]](f1: A => B1)(f2: A => B2)(implicit build: BuilderArrPairMap[B1, ArrB1, B2, B, ArrB]): ArrB

Specialised map to an immutable PairArrFinalA1 of B. Applies the supplied function to every element of this sequence.

Specialised map to an immutable PairArrFinalA1 of B. Applies the supplied function to every element of this sequence.


Inherited from:
def mapTo[B, BB <: SeqLike[B]](build: BuilderSeqLikeMap[B, BB])(f: A => B): BB

A map operation where the return type of the SeqLike is explicitly given by the the second type parameter.

A map operation where the return type of the SeqLike is explicitly given by the the second type parameter.


Inherited from:
def mapUniqueGood[B](f: A => EMon[B]): EMon[B]

Takes a function from A to EMon[B]. If the function applied to eqch element produces a single Good, it is returned else returns Bad.

Takes a function from A to EMon[B]. If the function applied to eqch element produces a single Good, it is returned else returns Bad.


Inherited from:
def mapWithAcc[B, ArrB <: Arr[B], C](initC: C)(f: (C, A) => (B, C))(implicit ev: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB


Inherited from:
def max[B >: A](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): A

Gives the maximum value of this sequence according to the implicit ordering type class instance, which can be passed explicitly.

Gives the maximum value of this sequence according to the implicit ordering type class instance, which can be passed explicitly.


Inherited from:
def min[B >: A](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): A

Gives the minimum value of this sequence according to the implicit ordering type class instance, which can be passed explicitly.

Gives the minimum value of this sequence according to the implicit ordering type class instance, which can be passed explicitly.


Inherited from:
def mkString(separator: String): String

Not sure about this method.

Not sure about this method.


Inherited from:
def modifyAll(pred: A => Boolean, fNewValue: A => A): ThisT

Modifies all instances of the old value that fulfill predicate, with a new value by applying the parameter function.

Modifies all instances of the old value that fulfill predicate, with a new value by applying the parameter function.


Inherited from:

Is this sequence non empty?

Is this sequence non empty?


Inherited from:
def optAllMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](f: A => Option[B])(implicit build: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): Option[ArrB]

Takes a map function from A to Option[B] but only returns the [[Arr] of B if all the elements map to a Some. Hence the ArrB if returned will be the same length as this sequence.

Takes a map function from A to Option[B] but only returns the [[Arr] of B if all the elements map to a Some. Hence the ArrB if returned will be the same length as this sequence.


Inherited from:
def optMap[B, ArrB <: Arr[B]](f: A => Option[B])(implicit build: BuilderArrMap[B, ArrB]): ArrB

Specialised opt map to an immutable Arr of B. Applies the supplied function to every element of this sequence.

Specialised opt map to an immutable Arr of B. Applies the supplied function to every element of this sequence.


Inherited from:
def partition[ArrA <: Arr[A]](f: A => Boolean)(implicit build: BuilderArrMap[A, ArrA]): (ArrA, ArrA)


Inherited from:
def removeFirst(f: A => Boolean): ThisT


Inherited from:
def replace(oldValue: A, newValue: A): ThisT

Replaces all instances of the old value with the new value.

Replaces all instances of the old value with the new value.


Inherited from:
def replaceAll(pred: A => Boolean, newValue: A): ThisT

Replaces all instances of the old value that fulfill predicate with the new value.

Replaces all instances of the old value that fulfill predicate with the new value.


Inherited from:

Method for keeping the typer happy when returning this as an instance of ThisT.

Method for keeping the typer happy when returning this as an instance of ThisT.


Inherited from:
final def reverse: ThisT

Reverses the order of the elements of this sequence.

Reverses the order of the elements of this sequence.


Inherited from:
def reverseForeach[U](f: A => U): Unit

Performs a side effecting function on each element of this sequence in reverse order. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users.

Performs a side effecting function on each element of this sequence in reverse order. The function may return Unit. If it does return a non Unit value it is discarded. The [U] type parameter is there just to avoid warnings about discarded values and can be ignored by method users.


Inherited from:
def reverseIForeach[U](f: (Int, A) => U): Unit

Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature.

Note the function signature follows the foreach based convention of putting the collection element 2nd or last as seen for example in fold methods' (accumulator, element) => B signature.


Inherited from:
final override def setElemUnsafe(index: Int, newElem: A): Unit

Sets / mutates an element in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by the initialisation and factory methods.

Sets / mutates an element in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by the initialisation and factory methods.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def setElemsUnsafe(index: Int, elems: A*): Unit

Sets / mutates elements in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by the initialisation and factory methods.

Sets / mutates elements in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by the initialisation and factory methods.


Inherited from:
def sortBy(f: (A, A) => Boolean)(implicit build: BuilderArrMap[A, ThisT]): ThisT

Returns a new Arr sorted from least to greatest. Takes a function detrmining if the first value is greater than the second.

Returns a new Arr sorted from least to greatest. Takes a function detrmining if the first value is greater than the second.


Inherited from:
final inline override def ssForeach[U](f: A => U): Unit

Performs a side effecting function on each element of the specifying sequence in order.

Performs a side effecting function on each element of the specifying sequence in order.


Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def sum(implicit ev: Sumable[A]): A


Inherited from:
def sumBy(f: A => Int): Int

Sums aaccumulating the results of the A => Int function.

Sums aaccumulating the results of the A => Int function.


Inherited from:
final def tail: ThisT


Inherited from:
def tailForeach[U](f: A => U): Unit

Foreachs over the tail of this sequence. Performs a side effecting function on each element of this sequence excluding the first.

Foreachs over the tail of this sequence. Performs a side effecting function on each element of this sequence excluding the first.


Inherited from:
def tailfold[B](initial: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B

foldLeft over the tail of this sequence.

foldLeft over the tail of this sequence.


Inherited from:
def toList: List[A]

Converts this SeqGen to a list.

Converts this SeqGen to a list.


Inherited from:
override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the object.

Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.



a string representation of the object.

Definition Classes
SeqLike -> Any
Inherited from:
def toStrsCommaFold(fToStr: A => String): String


Inherited from:
def toStrsCommaNoSpaceFold(fToStr: A => String): String


Inherited from:
def toStrsCommaParenth(fToStr: A => String): String


Inherited from:
def toStrsSemiFold(fToStr: A => String): String


Inherited from:
def toStrsSemiParenth(fToStr: A => String): String


Inherited from:
def toVector: Vector[A]


Inherited from:

String specifying the type of this object.

String specifying the type of this object.


Inherited from:
def unsafeSameSize(length: Int): ThisT


Inherited from:
def unsafeSetElemSeq(index: Int, elems: Iterable[A]): Unit


Inherited from:
def unsafeSetHead(value: A): Unit

Sets / mutates the head element in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by initialisation and factory methods.

Sets / mutates the head element in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by initialisation and factory methods.


Inherited from:
def unsafeSetLast(value: A): Unit

Sets / mutates the last element in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by initialisation and factory methods.

Sets / mutates the last element in the Arr. This method should rarely be needed by end users, but is used by initialisation and factory methods.


Inherited from:
def zipMap[B, C, ArrC <: Arr[C]](operator: Sequ[B])(f: (A, B) => C)(implicit ev: BuilderArrMap[C, ArrC]): ArrC

Takes a second collection as a parameter and zips the elements of this collection and the operand collection and applies the specialised map function from type A and type B to type C.

Takes a second collection as a parameter and zips the elements of this collection and the operand collection and applies the specialised map function from type A and type B to type C.


Inherited from:
def zipMap2[B, C, D, ArrD <: Arr[D]](operator1: Sequ[B], operator2: Sequ[C])(f: (A, B, C) => D)(implicit ev: BuilderArrMap[D, ArrD]): ArrD

Takes a second collection and third collections as parameters and zips the elements of this collection and the operand collections and applies the specialised map function from type A and type B and type C to type D.

Takes a second collection and third collections as parameters and zips the elements of this collection and the operand collections and applies the specialised map function from type A and type B and type C to type D.


Inherited from: